The Oath of the Vayuputras (Shiva Trilogy, #3) : Book Review

The Oath of the Vayuputras By Amish Tripathi

The third and final part is full of twists n turns. Every chapter disclosed some or the other mystery.

The course of events are very well written in the book. No where you are to going to feel it’s going haywire. The flow of events is very well structured, only time when I lost my focus was when Kartik's killing of rhino and Panchavati and Ujjain's description, I think, its bit more detailed than required.

Ignoring that part, this series has depicted how as a human being we should live our life.
Every character whether it was shiva or sati or a meluhan lady who decided to stay in devagiri at the time of war had given a valuable message to ponder over.

What qualities the leader should possess, Gopalji has explained in crisp n clear manner. Your team members, followers should idolise you, should get inspired from you and should not be scared of you.
Not only human being but Amish has even touched upon how societies, different cultures should
behave. They should not have that desperation to prove that their culture their way of living is superior to others as this is nothing but ego and is a foolish quest. Rather it is best to learn from everyone, regardless of the cultural source of learning then only different cultures can blend and world can become a beautiful place to live.

And while reading, few one liners are repeated again n again by different characters in different circumstances thus keep reminding us how our actions i.e. karma should be :
“There is your truth, there is my truth. As for the universal truth, it does not exist.”
“Two wrongs don’t make a right.”
“There is no wrong way to do the right thing.”

Also, the part where Kartik has beautifully explained that how committing suicide in any situation is not a solution. The situation goes something like this Maharish Bhrigu realized and repented what wrong he had done by supporting Somras, he wanted to get died for his bad deed so as to arrest the wheel of his Karma but Kartik then explained him that banishing from this mortal world as a punishment for your sin is not the way of out. Rather stay, do some good and cleanse your karma as he rightly said:
“One cannot undo what has happened but inexorable march of time offers the wise opportunities for redemption.”

It’s very often we use circumstances as an excuse at times for our failures but Sati reminded us that
“Circumstance is just an excuse for the weak to rationalize their failures.”

The good thing is nothing is left unanswered as you finish reading the book. Few questions which were left unanswered in previous parts had been taken care and answered. One of these which I can recall is why Daksha changed his mind to stay in Devagiri and didn’t go to Panchvati after Veerini had done all preparations for them to leave.

Sanskirit shlokas have been cited in various situations and one which became my favorite is:
‘Satyam bruyat priyam bruyat, na bruyat satyam apriyam.’ :
“Speak the truth in a pleasing manner, but never speak that truth which is unpleasant to others.”

At last, I would recommend this series as you are going to learn a lot about how you should live your life as a human being.

Here's the link to the review of other two books of this series:

Secret of Nagas

Immortals of Meluha:

Rating : 3.5/5


  1. Hi Richa I just started this series.
    Thanks for your reviews.
    Will it be possible for you to share your key learnings from this ?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Sure.. ty for your comment..
      The key thing I have learnt from this complete series is that there is not one way to live your life and at the same time what ever way you choose to live your life be ready to face it consequences in this same life..
      we all know this already but this series reminded it again n again how to live your life as a human being and
      there is nothing right or wrong;truth or lie.. it's all about perspective..

  2. Well written with a touch of quotes and shalokas make it reflects lot of insights. Reading it refresh the story of Shiva to Mahadev
