The Immortals of Meluha (Shiva Trilogy, #1) : Book Review

The Immortals of Meluha By Amish Tripathi

One word: a 'page turner' book

The way Shiva character has been projected is mind-blowing. Shiva is not at all been projected as Hindu Lord whom we worship but as a human being and the roller coaster ride of emotions he went through (or I would say going through) in order to be a 'Mahadev'!

It has definitely set the bar high for how mythological fictional writing should be.
Prior to this the book which highly impressed me in this genre was 'Palace of Illusions' which set the mark high enough and I am glad this book met that mark.

I wonder why didn't I read this book earlier.
I just hope remaining parts of this trilogy also at par with this expectation.

Rating: 4/5

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