I Am M-M-Mumbai : Book Review

I Am M-M-Mumbai by Rishi Vohra

Rishi contacted me to give a read to his book, initially I was skeptical but after reading the synopsis I decided to give it a read and I must say I didn’t regret my decision even once while reading.

It’s a simple story and a quick read having a freshness in the writing style. You won’t keep the book down before completing it, it’s like watching a romcom which you can’t just turn-off in between. Overall, it gave me a feel-good factor after reading.

One thing which I liked about the book is it reminded us that Stammering is not to be made fun of. Rather it's a verbal disability like any other physical or mental disability. Stammering needs proper medical treatment like any other medical ailment.

And the line which struck me the most:
“When life brings you rock bottom, the only direction to move in is up.”


There is nothing explicit about the story. A simple plot is written in an entertaining style which would hold your interest.

A handsome, good-looking young man named Rudra, belonging to a middle-class family in Mumbai, had an aspiration to become an actor. He was having no Godfather in Bollywood and over and above he stammered. The life hit him hard; he was ridiculed and humiliated for his stammering, his girlfriend left him, he was abandoned by his father, he was having no place to live, he ended up staying with a bar dancer. So the story is about his journey how he achieved his dream of becoming a successful actor.

But what made me loved this book is the simple yet appealing style of writing.

I would definitely recommend this book if you are looking for a light-hearted book or you want some company while traveling. This book will leave a smile on your face and will make you believe in happy ending once again.

Lines I liked the most:

‘If you love someone, set them free.’
‘People push their own insecurities on you.’
‘Once you start thinking positively, you will see your whole life changing.'
'Never delay new beginnings.'
'The day you start believing in yourself, things start happening.'

Rating: 3/5

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