The Lucky One : Book Review

The Lucky One By Nicholas Sparks

If you have ever watched Bollywood movies specially the romantic love stories, then, you must be aware of the name ‘Yash Chopra’ who was the popular film maker especially in romantic genre. He was considered the king of romance in filmaking, similarly for me, Nicholas Sparks is the king of romance in writing books.

This book will make you believe that your destiny will find you what so ever may happen or putting in other words:
'What you seek is seeking you.' 

The whole story revolves around one photograph which may sounds absurd. But once you read the book, you will understand how a photograph can become a lucky charm for someone. Its like we all would have been believing in something, or someone, or may be some habit of ours, at some point of time, as our lucky mascot which brought us good omen (who knows may be some of us deep down still believe in our lucky mascot). But if someone would have asked you at that time the reason behind your belief, you wouldn't have been able to give any logical explanation
After all, it's all about belief. :)
This story also reminds me that death is the most unexpected and is the only universal truth in this world.

Plot of the Story:
Logan Thibault, a US marine, found a photograph of a woman while serving in Iraq. And Victor, Logan’s one and only friend in marine, considered the photograph a lucky charm for Logan and thus, constantly kept asking Logan to seek the woman in that photograph.
As the story proceeds further, few incidents occurred which convinced Logan that the woman in the photo held the key to his destiny. And thus, he started his journey in search of that woman and reached a place called Hampton in Hampton County, North Carolina.

Now coming to the woman in the photograph, her name was Elizabeth Green, a school teacher and a mother of eight year old Ben who lived with her Nana.
Meanwhile on his journey to find Elizabeth, Logan met Elizabeth's ex-husband, Keith Clayton, who was a deputy sheriff in Hampton. From their first meeting itself, they both didn’t like each other.
Keith was obsessed with Elizabeth and didn't want her to date any guy. And as he came to know that Logan and Elizabeth were dating each other, Keith's disliking for Logan increased to another level which led to twist and turn in the story.
Keith tried his best to destroy everything between Logan and Elizabeth but destiny had planned something else for them.

Extracts in the book which made me ponder are:

Through Ben, Nichol had focused upon the best way to nurture a child. A child grows when he is being appreciated for small things he does well and is not criticized every moment for what he is not good at or if he has some different interests what society has otherwise set for him like a boy interested in learning piano should be encouraged by his parents and not criticized for having such interest.

When you are raised as a military kid, you keep moving often, your school keeps changing, your friends come and go, and thus, you learn that even though people are left behind, new ones will inevitably take their place; that every place has something good and bad to offer.

Lines which I liked the most:
'If relationships are hard, marriage is even harder.'
'Proximity bred familiarity, and familiarity bred comfort.'
'When a person is that special, you know it sooner than you think possible. You recognize it instinctively, and you are certain that no matter what happens, there will never be another one like him or her.'

Rating: 3.5/5

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