A Girl’s Guide to Moving On : Book Review

A Girl’s Guide to Moving On By Debbie Macomber

Firstly I would like to brief about how I landed up reading this book.It's an interesting incident.
I have never heard or read about author Debbie Macomber before I came across this book.

This book was gifted to my younger sister from one of his friends and when she left for Bangalore, she left this book by mistake at home. I judged the book from it’s cover. I assumed the book must be having quotes, moral boosters instances like ‘The Secret’ so basically I thought it must be a motivation genre book which I was not in mood to read. But when I finished reading my current book at that time, I looked over my book shelf which one to pick next for reading, to my surprise I was left with no new book to read. 
So not by choice but by necessity, I picked up this book and I must say my judgement about this book was wrong as I read first few pages.

It’s not at all a motivational genre book but I found it as a romantic genre. It reminded me of Nicholas Sparks’ books. It’s a story about two women who are related as mother-in-law(Leanne) and daughter-in-law(Nichole). How they both got divorce from their respective husbands and started their new life, found new love, their passions, in-short, how they let it go and moved on in their lives.
It was a difficult journey for both of them but they were determined enough to stand on the decision they had taken. 

There are moments in life when it’s difficult to make a choice or take a decision, in that scenario, always ‘Listen to your gut’. Your gut will tell you the right thing to do. This story tells you that.

Leanne was married for 35 years, however, after years of marriage itself, her husband was cheating on her. He was having affairs and when one fine day after 35 years she decided to get divorced from him, she stood by that decision, but she never hated her husband nor did she wished anything bad for him and the way she explained is something to ponder over. And when her close friend asked her how could she not hate her husband for cheating on her past so many years.
She said she could have walked out from that marriage anytime, she was the one who turned a blind eye and chose to die a little with every wrong done to her, so she could not choose to hate her husband.
Thus, personally or professionally, if you are feeling something wrong is done with you, your anger should be directed at yourself not on the other person. And instead of turning a blind eye, take control of it, take a stand and don’t wait to take care of yourself emotionally and spiritually.

When Nichole’s husband approached her for reconciliation, she handled it very well. Nichole’s love for her husband was still there. She had feelings for him and would always have that soft corner for him but at the same time, she realized she could not go back into the relationship where she would constantly be afraid, wary of trusting her partner again. She couldn’t live the way where she would constantly be wondering where her husband was or whom he was with every time he was late.
Always give it a serious thought before moving back into the relationship which u left. Always think over the reasons why you took that decision and don’t get distracted by your feelings.

The line which I liked the most is:
‘It takes hell of a man to replace no man.’
Rating : 3/5

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