Sister of My Heart : Book Review

Sister of My Heart By Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Sister of My Heart as the name suggests, it’s the story of two sisters(Sudha and Anju) who are not related by blood or are first cousins but are distant cousins or may be not related at all. However, the bond between them is so strong that nothing could keep them apart whether it be their family, society, their-in laws, and physical distance.
Both of them went through roller coaster rides in their lives been through turmoil, had unfortunate incidents in their lives and the one person whom they look for or miss being with is not their mothers or husbands or anyone but each other.

Their love for them was so pure that they kept sacrificing for each other whether it was their love of life, their marriage, their baby without any grudge or guilt. They didn’t leave each other what ever may came. They supported each other whole heartily through their ups and downs. Their love for each other was selfless.

However, at the same time Chitra did focus on those situations of life too when after a certain moment no one can accompany you, not even those who would give up their hearts for your happiness ; and it you have to plunge into the depths of your life.

Chitra has very well explained that peculiar characteristic of human beings that when we really love someone, we can be happy even while our heart is breaking.

This book is not only about two sisters but also about the strength and determination of three women who without any male member in their home, brought up Sudha and Anju in this male dominated society. Chitra tells us how important it is for a woman to take a stand for her own and for her family no matter what. And if the circumstance in life demands, any woman no matter how much tender she is can turn into Queen of Swords (Rani of Jhansi) for her and her family's safety and dignity.

The truth behind the deaths of their fathers is kept as a secret from Sudha and Anju , but the way this truth reveals itself to Sudha left her shattered.At the same time, it also reminded us that there is no universal truth. Truth has different faces.

And every one is hiding some or the other secret, at some point of life, from their loved ones for their happiness.

Facts or lines which held me after I had completed the book are:
‘People rarely recognize things they are not expecting to see, even when they’re right in front of their eyes.’
‘Love happens, and so do miracles.’
‘Only the good are blessed with the ability to give.’

I would strongly recommend this book for two loving inseparable sisters to read irrespective of whether they are related by blood or heart.

Rating : 3/5

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