The Supreme Gift : Book Review

The Supreme Gift By Paulo Coelho

It's not Paulo Coelho's original writing but it's an adaptation by him of Henry Drummond's text. Its not his usual style of writing.
It's different but in a good way. It helps you understand that Love which is the supreme gift and nothing else. It has very beautifully explained the key ingredients of love but also mentioned that Love is more than the sum of those ingredients.

What made me ponder is how evil temper is hundred times worse and has no rival. The instance given to explain the sin of disposition and sin of body is clear and crisp.
And at last he explained that on the path to attain salvation final test is Love. It's not our beliefs and our accomplishments will count but what will count is how we loved our fellow men and women. 
Quotes/Lines which stuck with me after I finished the book are :
'Faith ,hope and love abide; but the greatest of these is love.'

'More sophisticated faults can be far more serious than simpler n more obvious ones.'

Because Love endures. Love understands. Love begets Love.

Rating: 3/5

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