The Zahir : Book Review

The Zahir By Paulo Coelho 

One line to describe Zahir is that it did become my 'Zahir' as I started reading.

There are so many quotes thoughts to grasp from this book but the one which influenced me the most
'The story has to reach its end !'

I started quoting instances mentioned in the book in my day to day conversations. It did increase my belief in my inner voice or as I say in the language of Zahir understand the signs. There is always someone greater than u guiding you to follow the signs, divinity comes to our aid preventing us from making a mistake. All the instances mentioned in Thursdays' meetings have a lot to ponder over.

I would definitely recommend this book if something or someone occupies your every thought until you can think of nothing else. And that's what the 'Zahir' is!

Rating: 3/5


  1. Well summarize just a thought that the story has to reach its end for a new begning. End alwys lead to new ray of lights for new begning....
