Before We Visit the Goddess : Book Review

Before We Visit the Goddess By Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

It depicts the journey of three women of three different generations from three different locations: grandmother: a village girl moved to city, mother - a city girl moved to another country , daughter : girl born n brought up in another country.

From surface level, it seemed they all went through different situations different challenges but as you go in depth you would find they all faced same problems in a different way and then came a phase in life of each of them when they lost their identity, their zest for life and they gave up their everything.

But then a moment came in the life of each of them, when their lives turned around and they claimed their identities back whether it was in the form of Durga Sweets or Bela's Kitchen.

Chitra has emphasized on the importance of education through out the journey of a woman's life and what does satisfaction mean for a woman: 
"Satisfaction of achieving something by yourself, without having to depend on anyone."

Last but not least , she truly explained the meaning of :

'What it really means to be a fortunate lamp.'

Rating: 3/5

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